Point of interest

April 2024

First post...

Welcome to my creative journal!! How I hope this'll work is that I'll be uploading my research, inspirations, gallery visits and findings that I've gathered over the month here along with some overall reflections and some plans for future studies and plans.
Having this blog will be an interesting way of documenting my work, and online archives are secure stores for information for when I want to access my work again! In the grand scheme of my career, work could get lost, forgotten and replaced by newer projects, so this will be useful in the long term too.

Most of my efforts this month have been spent constructing the website, exploring my local art scene by talking to gallery owners and gathering social media pages. My aim to to build connections with like-minded practicing artists.

I've also been attempting to get back into regular reading, its something I used to enjoy , books to expand my general knowledge but also as a source of inspiration for creativity. I'm the type of person to immediately jump online for ideas and I'd like to be able to broaden my pool by having alternate references I can turn to.
Also there are physical and mental benefits of reading like strengthening your neural pathways that can lead to stronger analytical skills and an improved memory, reducing stress and blood pressure and providing metal stimulation that can help combat deteriorating mental diseases such as alzhiemer's.

Current Reads

"On Anarchism" by Noam Chomsky. Probably not the best book I could have chosen to get back into reading, but it was on sale at rough trade... an interesting read, I'm not that well read on political theory but this book is esentially an introduction into Chomsky's theory, covering the foundations of his ideology with a focus on the legitimicy of power and potential benefits of collaborative and collective shared responsibilities within community. One of my favourite quotes so far has been regarding the functionality of anarchist resistance outside of youthful rebellion, "No form of politics is worth our time until it helps struggling epople get what they need, sustainably and reliably." So true king..

"Aboriginal Myths: Tales of the Dreamtime" by A.W Reed.

"The Golden Treasury" by C. Day Lewis" A collection of the best songs and lyrical poems of the English language.